Check Character is Vowel or Consonant or Special Character in Java

Check Character is Vowel or Consonant or Special Character in Java

In Java, we can determine if a character is a vowel, consonant, or special character using either if-else conditions or the ternary operator. This article focuses on learning through examples, algorithms, detailed logic, and program explanations for better understanding. Required Knowledge Problem Statement We need to write a Java program to determine if a given … Read more

Java Program to Check Character is Uppercase or Lowercase

Java Program to Check Character is Uppercase or Lowercase

In Java, to check if a character is uppercase or lowercase, we can use either an if-else condition or the ternary operator. This article focuses on learning through examples, algorithms, detailed logic, and program explanations for better understanding. Required Knowledge Problem Statement We need to write a Java program to check if a given character … Read more

Java Program to Check Number is Divisible by 3

Java Program to Check Number is Divisible by 3

In Java, to check if a number is divisible by 3, we can use either an if-else conditional statement or the ternary operator. This article focuses on learning through examples, detailed logic, and program explanations for better understanding. Required Knowledge Problem Statement We need to write a Java program to check if a number is … Read more

Java program to find Even or Odd Number

Java program to find Even or Odd Number

In Java, we can find if a number is even or odd using either an if-else condition or a ternary operator. Numbers that are divisible by 2 are called even numbers, while those that are not divisible by 2 are called odd numbers. For example, if the input number is 2, the output will be … Read more

Java Program to Check Number Divisible is by 5

Java Program to Check Number Divisible is by 5

In Java, we can check if a number is divisible by 5 using either an if-else condition or a ternary operator. Here, we focus on learning this concept through definitions, examples, an algorithm, detailed logic, and a program explanation for better understanding. Required Knowledge Problem Statement We need to write a Java program to check … Read more

Java Program to Check Leap Year

Java Program to Check Leap Year

In Java, we can check if a year is a leap year using either an if-else condition or a ternary operator. This article focuses on explaining this concept through examples, an algorithm, detailed logic, and program explanation for better understanding. Required Knowledge Problem Statement We need to write a Java program to check if a … Read more

Check Character is Alphabet or not in Java

Check Character is Alphabet or not in Java

In Java, we can check if a character is an alphabet using either an if-else condition or a ternary operator. This article focuses on explaining this concept through examples, an algorithm, detailed logic, and program explanation for better understanding. Required Knowledge Problem Statement We need to develop a Java program to check whether a given … Read more

Check Character is Digit or not in Java

Check Character is Digit or not in Java

In Java, we can check if a character is a digit using either an if-else condition or a ternary operator. This article focuses on explaining this concept through examples, an algorithm, detailed logic, and program explanation for better understanding. Required Knowledge Problem Statement We need to implement a Java program to check whether a given … Read more

Check a Number is Positive or Negative in Java

Check a number is positive or negative in java

In Java, to check if a given number is positive or negative we can use if-else-if condition or Ternary Operator. In this article, we are focusing on learning through examples, algorithm, logic and program explanation for better understanding. Required Knowledge Problem Statement We need to write a java program to check if a number is … Read more

Java Program to Check Character is Digit or Alphabet

Java Program to Check Character is Digit or Alphabet

In Java, to check if a character is Digit or Alphabet in java we can use if-else-if condition or Ternary Operator. In this article, we are focusing on learning through examples, algorithm, logic and program explanation for better understanding. Required Knowledge Problem Statement We need to write a java program to check whether given input … Read more