Check Person is valid for voting or not in Java

Check Person is valid for voting or not in Java

In Java, to check if a person is valid for voting or not we can use an if-else conditional statement or the ternary Operator. For example, if the person age is 18 or older, then it should print that the “person is valid for voting”. If the person age is less than 18 then it … Read more

Java Program to Find Division of students based on Marks

Java Program to Find Division of students based on Marks

In java, to find division of the students based on marks we can use if-else if conditional statements or Ternary Operator. In this article, we will learn through examples, algorithm, logic and program explanation for better understanding. For example, if a student secures 65 marks in the exam, then the student achieves the first division. … Read more

Java Program to Find Number of Days in a given Month

Java Program to Find Number of Days in a given Month

In Java, to find number of days in a given input month we can use if-else-if condition, Ternary Operator or Switch statements. In this article, we will learn through examples, logic and program explanation for better understanding. For example, if the input number is 1, it corresponds to January, which has 31 days. Required Knowledge … Read more

Count the digits of a given number in Java

Count the digits of a given number in Java

In java, to count the digits of a given number we can use loop concepts such as while loop or for loop. We are going to count the digits(Counting the how many times a number is divided by 10). In this article, we are focusing on learning through examples, algorithm, logic and program explanation for … Read more

Check a triangle is Equilateral, Isosceles or Scalene in Java

Check a triangle is Equilateral, Isosceles or Scalene Triangle in Java

In Java, to check if a triangle is equilateral, isosceles or scalene, we can use if-else-if conditions or the ternary Operator. In this article, we are focusing on learning through examples, algorithm, detailed logic and program explanation for better understanding. Required Knowledge Problem Statement We need to write a java program to check if a … Read more

Java Program to Check Character is Vowel or Consonant

Java Program to Check Character is Vowel or Consonant

In Java, we can check if a character is a vowel or consonant using if-else conditions or the ternary operator. In this article, we focused on learning through examples, algorithms, detailed logic, and program explanation for better understanding. Required Knowledge Problem Statement We need to write a java program to check given character is vowel … Read more

Java Program to Display Weekdays in a Week

Java Program to Display Weekdays in a Week

In Java, there are multiple ways to display the weekdays in a week, we can use if-else-if conditions, the ternary operator, or switch statements. In this article we will be learning through examples, detailed logic, and program explanation for understanding. For example, if the input is number 1, then the resulting day is “Monday”. Required … Read more