Spring Boot Interview Questions

Welcome to “Spring Boot Interview Questions,” the go-to guide for getting ready for Spring Boot interviews. This guide is filled with questions and answers that are perfect for freshers and experienced both. People who just starting out with Spring Boot or who have been using it for a while and want to get better, this set of questions are recommended. Spring Boot makes developing Spring applications easier by doing a lot of the setup work for you, which is why it’s so popular for making web applications and microservices.

We have started with the basics, explaining what Spring Boot is all about, including how it sets itself up automatically, manages dependencies, and makes it faster to build applications.

As you move forward, the questions get into more detailed topics like how to build REST APIs, work with data using Spring Data JPA, add security to your applications, test your code, and build microservices with Spring Boot. For every question, we provided answers that are clear and straight to the point. We also included examples of code or settings when they can help make things clearer. This way, you’re not just learning about the technical side of Spring Boot, but also how to talk about using its features to solve real problems in building software.

This guide is designed to make you feel confident about your Spring Boot knowledge. It covers everything from basic concepts to more advanced topics. By the end, you should feel ready for both the simple and the tough questions that might come up in your java and spring boot developer interviews.

Whether you’re new to Spring Boot and looking to dive in, or you’ve been working with it for a while and want to check your skills, This “Spring Boot Interview Questions” lists are here to help.

This collection of Spring Boot interview questions has been gathered from a variety of platforms and sources, ensuring a comprehensive overview of what you might face in the interview process. We’ve carefully chosen questions that are not only fundamental to understanding Spring Boot but also reflective of the types of inquiries made by leading IT companies. Whether you’re aiming to join the top MNCs like Accenture, Cognizant, TCS, Wipro, LTI Mindtree, Infosys etc, these questions are tailored to give you an edge. By preparing with this guide, you’ll be engaging with the kind of material that has helped many candidates secure positions in these top MNCs, equipping you with the knowledge and confidence to excel in your interviews.

Lets start preparing the questions to crack your next interview.

Basics of Spring Boot

1. What is Spring Boot, and why is it used?
2. Explain the advantages of using Spring Boot.
3. How do you create a simple Spring Boot application?
4. What is the Spring Boot application entry point?
5. Can you have multiple main methods in a Spring Boot application?

Spring Boot Starters

1. What are Spring Boot starters, and how do they simplify project setup?
2. Give examples of some commonly used Spring Boot starters.
3. What is the purpose of the spring-boot-starter-parent POM?

Dependency Injection and Beans

1. Explain dependency injection in the context of Spring Boot.
2. What is the difference between @Autowired and @Resource annotations?
3. How do you define a bean in Spring Boot?
4. What is the default scope of a bean in Spring Boot?
5. How can you control the lifecycle of a bean in Spring Boot?

Configuration in Spring Boot

1. How can you externalize configuration in a Spring Boot application?
2. What is the purpose of the application.properties file?
3. How do you override properties in Spring Boot?
4. Explain the use of @Value annotation for property injection.

Spring Boot Annotations

1. What is the significance of @SpringBootApplication annotation?
2. When and how should you use @RestController?
3. Explain the use of @Service and @Repository annotations.
4. How does @RequestMapping annotation work in Spring Boot?
5. What is the purpose of the @ComponentScan annotation?

Spring Boot Data Access

1. What is Spring Data JPA, and how does it simplify data access?
2. Explain the role of the CrudRepository interface.
3. How do you configure a data source in Spring Boot?
4. What is the purpose of @Transactional annotation?

Spring Boot Security

1. How do you secure a Spring Boot application using Spring Security?
2. What is the purpose of @EnableWebSecurity annotation?
3. How can you configure role-based access control in Spring Security?
4. Explain the concept of CSRF protection in Spring Security.
5. What is OAuth2, and how can you implement OAuth2 security in Spring Boot?
6. How to disable spring security after adding dependencies.

Spring Boot Actuator

1. What is Spring Boot Actuator, and why is it used?
2. List some commonly used Spring Boot Actuator endpoints.
3. How can you customize Spring Boot Actuator endpoints?
4. What is the health check endpoint, and how is it useful?

Spring Boot Deployment

1. How can you package a Spring Boot application for deployment? To Do
2. Explain the difference between deploying a Spring Boot application as a JAR and a WAR.
3. What is an embedded container, and which containers are supported by Spring Boot?
4. How do you change the default embedded container in Spring Boot?

Spring Boot Best Practices

1. What are some best practices for developing RESTful APIs with Spring Boot?
2. How can you handle exceptions effectively in Spring Boot applications?
3. Explain the concept of logging in Spring Boot.
4. What is the role of Spring Boot profiles, and when should you use them?
5. How can you enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) in a Spring Boot application?

Spring Boot Microservices

1. How does Spring Boot support the development of microservices?
2. What is Spring Cloud, and how does it relate to Spring Boot?
3. What is service discovery, and how can it be implemented in Spring Boot microservices?
4. How do you implement inter-service communication in a microservices architecture using Spring Boot?

Spring Boot Advanced Topics

1. What is Spring Boot Auto-Configuration?
2. Explain the concept of Spring Boot’s SpringApplication.
3. What is the purpose of the @SpringBootConfiguration annotation?
4. How can you schedule tasks in a Spring Boot application using @Scheduled? To Do
5. What is the purpose of the @EnableAutoConfiguration annotation?

Spring Boot and Caching

1. What is caching, and why is it important in Spring Boot applications?
2. How can you enable and configure caching in Spring Boot?
3. Explain the difference between Spring Boot’s cache abstraction and caching providers like Ehcache.
4. What is the purpose of the @Cacheable annotation?

Spring Boot and NoSQL Databases

1. What NoSQL databases are supported by Spring Boot?
2. How do you configure Spring Boot to work with MongoDB?

Spring Boot and WebSockets

1. What are WebSockets, and why are they useful in Spring Boot applications?
2. How do you enable WebSocket support in Spring Boot?
3. Explain the role of STOMP in Spring Boot WebSocket applications.

Spring Boot and Security Tokens

1. What is JSON Web Token (JWT), and how can you use it for security in Spring Boot?
2. What are stateless and stateful token-based authentication, and when should you use each in Spring Boot?

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