Java Program to Display Weekdays in a Week

In Java, there are multiple ways to display the weekdays in a week, we can use if-else-if conditions, the ternary operator, or switch statements. In this article we will be learning through examples, detailed logic, and program explanation for understanding.

For example, if the input is number 1, then the resulting day is “Monday”.

Required Knowledge

  • Java programming basics
  • Java Operators
  • Conditional Statements
  • Ternary Operator

Problem Statement

We need to write a Java program that displays the weekday corresponding to a given input week. The program should take input values from 1 to 7, and the output should be the corresponding weekday. This above action should be done in our program. Let’s look at an example,

Example 1:

Input: 1
Output: Monday

Here, for the input 1, Output is “Monday”.

Example 2:

Input: 7
Output: Sunday

Here, for the input 7, output is “Sunday”.

Logic to display weekdays in a week in Java

There are multiple logics to display weekdays in a Week in the Java Programing language.

Logic 1: Using if-else-if

  • After receiving the week number input from the user, the program compares this number with values 1 through 7, representing the days of the week. If the number equals 1, it prints ‘Monday’, if it equals 2, it prints ‘Tuesday’, and so forth using if-else-if. This process continues for each day of the week, ensuring the correct weekday is displayed based on the user’s input.
int day = s.nextInt();
		else if(day==2)
		else if(day==3)
		else if(day==4)
		else if(day==5)
		else if(day==6)
		else if(day==7)
			System.out.println("Please choose between 1 to 7");

Logic 2: Ternary Operator

  • The ternary operator takes three operands and functions similarly to if-else statements. If the condition is true, it evaluates the first expression, if false, it evaluates the second expression.
  • In this program, it takes an input week number from the user and uses a string variable to store the result. For example, if the number equals 1, it stores ‘Monday’ in the result variable and prints ‘Monday’. This comparison and assignment process repeats similarly for all days of the week
int day = s.nextInt();
		String result;
		result =(day==1) ? day+" Monday":
		(day==2)? day +" Tuesday":
		(day==3)? day +" Wednesday":
		(day==4)? day +" Thursady":
		(day==5)? day+ " Friday":
		(day==6)? day+ " Saturday":
		(day==7)?day+ " Sunday":
		         day+"please choose between 1 to 7";

Logic 3: Using Switch Statements

  • The switch statement in Java is a value-based conditional statement where each case represents a specific value. Here, we indirectly check for equality conditions.
  • For example, if the case is 1, it prints ‘Monday’. If not, it proceeds to the next case and continues this process until case 7. The default case is used to inform the user to select a number between 1 and 7 if none of the specified cases match.
  • To ensure only the requested day is printed, we use a break statement after each case. Without break, the switch statement would execute all subsequent cases after finding a match, which is not desired
switch (day) {
		case 1:
		case 2:
		case 3:
		case 4:
		case 5:
		case 6:
		case 7:
			System.out.println("please choose between 1 to 7");

Java Program to display weekdays in a week

Program 1: Using if-else-if

In the below program we are using if-else-if to display weekdays in a week in java.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Weekdays {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner s= new Scanner(;
		System.out.println("Input number between 1-7:");
		int day = s.nextInt();
		else if(day==2)
		else if(day==3)
		else if(day==4)
		else if(day==5)
		else if(day==6)
		else if(day==7)
		  System.out.println("please choose between 1 to 7");


Input number between 1-7:

Java program explanation to print week day for given input week

  • The program imports Scanner class from java.util package.
  • Program defines a class named Weekdays.
  • The program contains the main method where the program execution starts.
  • Asks the user to choose a number between 1 and 7 to represent a day of the week.
  • Reads the user input number using the Scanner object’s nextInt() method.
  • It uses a series of if and else if statements to determine the day of the week corresponding to the input number.
    • If the input number is 1, it prints “Monday”.
    • When the input number is 2, it prints “Tuesday”.
    • If the input number is 3, it prints “Wednesday”.
    • When the input number is 4, it prints “Thursday”.
    • If the input number is 5, it prints “Friday”.
    • When the input number is 6, it prints “Saturday”.
    • If the input number is 7, it prints “Sunday”.
    • When the input number is outside the range of 1 to 7, it prints a message prompting the user to choose a number between 1 and 7
    • It closes the Scanner object s to release system resources.

Program 2: Using Ternary Operator

In the below program we are using Ternary Operator to display weekdays in a week in Java.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Weekdays {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner s= new Scanner(;
		System.out.println("Input number between 1-7:");
		int day = s.nextInt();
		String result;
		result =(day==1) ? day+" Monday":
		(day==2)? day +" Tuesday":
		(day==3)? day +" Wednesday":
		(day==4)? day +" Thursady":
		(day==5)? day+ " Friday":
		(day==6)? day+ " Saturday":
		(day==7)? day+ " Sunday":
		          day+"please choose between 1 to 7";


Input number between 1-7:
7 Sunday

Java program explanation to print week day for given input week

  • The program imports the Scanner class from the java.util package to facilitate user input.
  • Program defines a class named Weekdays.
  • The program contains the main method where the program execution starts.
  • Asks the user to choose a number between 1 and 7 to represent a day of the week.
  • Reads the user input number using the Scanner object’s nextInt() method.
  • It uses a series of ternary operators to determine the day of the week corresponding to the input number and assigns the result to the result variable.
    • If the input number is 1, it assigns “Monday” to the result variable.
    • When the input number is 2, it assigns “Tuesday” to the result variable.
    • If the input number is 3, it assigns “Wednesday” to the result variable.
    • If the input number is 4, it assigns “Thursday” to the result variable.
    • When the input number is 5, it assigns “Friday” to the result variable.
    • If the input number is 6, it assigns “Saturday” to the result variable.
    • When the input number is 7, it assigns “Sunday” to the result variable.
    • If the input number is outside the range of 1 to 7, it assigns a message prompting the user to choose a number between 1 and 7 to the result variable.
    • Program prints the value of the result variable.
    • It closes the Scanner object s to release system resources.

Program 3: Using Switch Statement

In the below program we are using switch statement to display weekdays in a week in Java.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Weekdays {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner s = new Scanner(;
		System.out.println("Input number between 1-7:");
		int day = s.nextInt();
		switch (day) {
		case 1:
		case 2:
		case 3:
		case 4:
		case 5:
		case 6:
		case 7:
			System.out.println("Please choose between 1 to 7");


Input number between 1-7:

Java program explanation to print week day for given input week

  • The program starts by importing the Scanner class from the java.util package.
  • It defines a class named WeekdaysSwitchStatements with a main method, which serves as the entry point of the program.
  • Inside the main method:
    • It creates a new instance of Scanner named s to read input from the console.
    • Asks the user to choose a number from 1 to 7 to represent a day of the week.
    • It reads the user’s input using the nextInt() method of the Scanner class and stores it in the variable day.
  • The program uses a switch statement to determine the day corresponding to the user’s input:
    • If the value of day matches any of the case values (1 to 6), the corresponding day of the week is printed.
    • When the value of day doesn’t match any of the case values, the default case is executed, and “Sunday” is printed.
  • After printing the corresponding day, the program closes the Scanner object s to release any associated resources.


In this article, we explored how to display weekdays in a week using if-else-if statements, ternary operator and switch statement. We understood the logic behind this and moved on to writing the program.

For more information on related topics, you might find these articles helpful:

  • Understanding the concepts of Conditional statements in Java
  • Concepts of operators in Java
  • Top 10 Programming tips in Java

We hope you find this tutorial helpful. If you have any questions or need any further clarification, feel free to leave a comment below. Don’t forget to subscribe our newsletter to get more updates related to Java tutorials and tips.

Happy Java learning!

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