List of Eclipse Shortcuts that Every developer must know

Eclipse is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) used by many programmers and software engineers especially for Java development. Learning keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse can significantly improve your productivity.

Below is a list of some essential Eclipse shortcuts that every programmers and developers must know:

General Shortcuts

  1. Ctrl + S – Save
  2. Ctrl + Z – Undo
  3. Ctrl + Y – Redo
  4. Ctrl + C – Copy
  5. Ctrl + X – Cut
  6. Ctrl + V – Paste
  7. Ctrl + D – Delete line
  8. Ctrl + / – Comment/uncomment code
  9. Ctrl + Shift + / – Surround with block comment
  10. Ctrl + Shift + * – Go to matching bracket
  11. Ctrl + Shift + F – Format code
  12. Ctrl + Shift + O – Organize imports
  13. Ctrl + 1 – Quick fix (context-sensitive)
  14. Ctrl + 3 – Quick access (search for commands, files, etc.)
  15. Ctrl + F6 – Switch between open editors
  16. Ctrl + Tab – Switch between open editors (cycle)
  17. Ctrl + F7 – Switch between views (e.g., Package Explorer, Outline)
  18. Ctrl + E – Open recent files
  19. Ctrl + F8 – Toggle breakpoint
  20. Ctrl + F11 – Run last launched application
  1. Ctrl + Shift + T – Open type (class) by name
  2. Ctrl + Shift + R – Open resource (file) by name
  3. Ctrl + G – Go to line
  4. Ctrl + L – Go to line
  5. Ctrl + O – Open method or member (within the editor)
  6. Ctrl + F3 – Show outline (in the editor)
  7. Ctrl + F4 – Close editor
  8. Ctrl + F12 – Show editor (maximize/restore)
  9. Alt + Left/Right – Navigate backward/forward
  10. F3 – Go to declaration
  11. Ctrl + . – Next error/warning
  12. Ctrl + , – Previous error/warning

Code Generation Shortcuts

  1. Ctrl + 1 – Quick fix (context-sensitive)
  2. Ctrl + Space – Content assist (code completion)
  3. Alt + Shift + R – Rename refactoring
  4. Alt + Shift + M – Extract method refactoring
  5. Alt + Shift + L – Extract local variable refactoring
  6. Alt + Shift + C – Change method signature refactoring

Debugging Shortcuts

  1. F5 – Step into
  2. F6 – Step over
  3. F7 – Step return
  4. F8 – Resume
  5. F9 – Run to line
  6. Ctrl + Shift + B – Toggle breakpoint
  7. Ctrl + F5 – Restart
  8. F11 – Debug last launched
  9. Ctrl + Shift + F11 – Run to line

These are some of the most commonly used shortcuts in Eclipse. Like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse has an extensive set of keyboard shortcuts covering various aspects of development. You can explore and customize these shortcuts in the Eclipse preferences. Depending on your specific workflow and needs, you may find it useful to modify or add additional keyboard shortcuts.

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