List of IntelliJ Shortcuts that Every developer must know

IntelliJ IDEA is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) for Java, Spring Boot and other programming languages and framework. While working on any IDE, Keyboard shortcuts is very important things and it can significantly improve your productivity.

Below are the list of some essential IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts that programmers and developers should know:

General Shortcuts

  1. Ctrl + S – Save
  2. Ctrl + Z – Undo
  3. Ctrl + Shift + Z (or Ctrl + Y) – Redo
  4. Ctrl + C – Copy
  5. Ctrl + X – Cut
  6. Ctrl + V – Paste
  7. Ctrl + D – Duplicate line or selection
  8. Ctrl + Delete – Delete to end of word
  9. Ctrl + Backspace – Delete to start of word
  10. Ctrl + Shift + F – Reformat code
  11. Ctrl + Alt + L – Reformat code (on selected code)
  12. Ctrl + Alt + O – Optimize imports
  13. Ctrl + Alt + I – Auto-indent lines or selection
  14. Ctrl + / or Ctrl + Shift + / – Comment/uncomment code
  15. Ctrl + Shift + Enter – Complete current statement
  16. Ctrl + Space – Basic code completion
  17. Ctrl + Shift + Space – Smart code completion
  18. Ctrl + B – Go to declaration
  19. Ctrl + Click – Go to declaration (mouse click)
  20. Ctrl + Alt + B – Go to implementation
  21. Ctrl + F12 – File structure popup (to navigate methods, fields, etc.)
  22. Ctrl + N – Find class by name
  23. Ctrl + Shift + N – Find file by name
  24. Ctrl + E – Recent files popup
  25. Ctrl + Shift + E – Recent edited files popup
  26. Ctrl + Shift + F12 – Maximize/restore editor window
  27. Ctrl + Tab – Switch between open tabs
  28. Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right – Navigate back/forward in code
  29. Ctrl + F4 – Close active editor tab
  30. Ctrl + Shift + W – Close all editor tabs
  31. Ctrl + W – Close current editor tab
  32. Ctrl + Shift + T – Refactor this
  33. Ctrl + Alt + V – Extract variable
  34. Ctrl + Alt + M – Extract method
  35. Ctrl + Alt + C – Extract constant
  36. Ctrl + Alt + P – Extract parameter
  1. Ctrl + F – Find
  2. Ctrl + R – Replace
  3. Ctrl + G – Go to line
  4. Ctrl + H – Find usages
  5. Ctrl + Shift + H – Show usages in a tool window
  6. Ctrl + F7 – Highlight usages in file
  7. Ctrl + Alt + F7 – Show usages (in a popup)
  8. Alt + F7 – Find usages of a method or class
  9. Ctrl + Shift + F7 – Highlight usages in the current file

Code Generation Shortcuts

  1. Alt + Insert – Generate code (getters, setters, constructors, etc.)
  2. Ctrl + O – Override methods
  3. Ctrl + I – Implement methods
  4. Alt + Enter – Show intention actions and quick fixes

Debugging Shortcuts

  1. F9 – Resume program
  2. F8 – Step over
  3. F7 – Step into
  4. Shift + F7 – Smart step into
  5. Shift + F8 – Step out
  6. Ctrl + F2 – Stop
  7. Ctrl + F9 – Make project
  8. Ctrl + F8 – Toggle breakpoint
  9. Ctrl + Shift + F8 – View breakpoints

These are some of the most commonly used shortcuts in IntelliJ IDEA. Depending on your specific use case and workflow, you may find additional shortcuts useful. You can always explore IntelliJ’s keymap settings to customize shortcuts or discover more specific actions. To do this, you can go to “File” > “Settings” (or “IntelliJ IDEA” > “Preferences” on macOS), then search for “Keymap” in the settings search bar.

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